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Israeli filmmaker and video artist Avi Mograbi was born in 1956 in Tel Aviv. He studied art and philosophy in Tel Aviv, where he lives today. After gathering his first experience assisting directors, his own filmmaking began in 1989. Since 1999 he also teaches documentary and experimental filmmaking at the University of Tel Aviv, and at Jerusalem’s Sam Spiegel Film and Television School and art academy.
Avi Mugrabi is not only considered Israel’s most important documentarist, but also – as a committed eyewitness of the Middle East conflict, an experimentalist, and avid reformist of cinematic language. As a political filmmaker he is also actively involved in „Breaking the Silence“, an organization of ex-soldiers dedicated to collecting testimonies about their service. His films have appeared at festivals worldwide. Z32 (2008) received the Excellence Award at Yamagata Film Festival. Avenge But One of My Blue Eyes (2005) was screened at the Cannes Film Festival and received the Amnesty Award as well as special mention at the Rotterdam Film Festival.
Gerush/ Deportation (12´, Israel, 1989) Ha-Shich'zoor/ The Reconstruction (60´, Israel, 1994) Eich Hifsakti L'fahed V'lamadeti L'ehov et Arik Sharon/ How I Learned to Overcome My Fear and Love Arik Sharon (62´, Israel, 1997) Yom Huledet Same'ach Mar Mograbi/ Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi (77´, Israel/France, 1999) August: A Moment Before the Eruption (72´, Israel/France, 2002) Detail (8´, France/Israel, 2004) Nekam Achat Mishtey Eynay/ Avenge But One of My Two Eyes (100´, France/Israel, 2005) Z32 (81´, France/Israel, 2008)
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